Bling & Beyond package

Face painting, bling art with glitters and head pieces

Bling & Beyond is the name of our newest line of products, here you have it all – a combination of bling, glitters and face painting, plus a headpiece that matches the theme for photo opportunities and memories that will last forever. Among the many headpieces available for both kids and adults we have: leaves, snow queen, flowers, pumpkins, spiders, bats, feathers, stars, unicorn, butterflies, mermaid, fairy, bees, and the Day of the Dead. Headpieces and crowns are made available to complement the face painting/bling art, and are solely for the purpose of taking pictures.

You have the option of only bling with glitter and the crown with no face paint. This option is great for bigger crowds, as it saves time, as well as for people with sensitive skin and special needs kids who are not fans of face painting for fancy adult gatherings. (In this case, the cost will be the same as the Deluxe Package)

$225/hour           2 hours = $450

2 hours minimum.

Contact us with questions or to schedule your next event!